fairview bible church
A. Anyone may become a member of this church who lives (loves) true fellowship with Jesus Christ, is Water baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, supports the Statement of Doctrine as contained in Article 3 of this constitution and will contribute to the overall support of the church as the Lord enables.
B. Members in Good Standing shall mean those members of good repute who attend Worship Services of Fairview Bible Church. Members who are away for valid reasons shall be placed on “Inactive Status” by the Board of Elders.
C. It is the responsibility of the Board of Elders to review the membership of any member as they deem necessary. If any member consistently absents himself from the Worship services of the church, his name shall be brought before the Board of Elders for personal contact. If the member continues to absent himself, the Board of Elders is authorized to remove his name from the roll, notifying him in writing of this fact.
All members have a voice in all meetings of the church. Active members in good standing, having attained the age of eighteen (18) years may act and vote in the transactions of the church.
A. When clear evidence of repentance and reformation has been presented to the Board of Elders, any person whose membership has been terminated for any offense (see CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE 8) may be restored by vote of the church membership.
B. If membership has been dropped to inactive status because of prolonged absence, the Elder Board shall have the authority to reinstate said membership upon receipt of the approved explanation of absence.
A. QUALITIES: The Pastor-Teacher shall be a dedicated man of God who can conscientiously support the Constitution and By-laws. He shall be thoroughly grounded in the Word of God and shall strive to preach and teach in the power of and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (I Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:6-9)
B. CALL: He shall be elected to the office of Pastor-Teacher by the Church for an indefinite period of time. The election shall be at a meeting duly called for that purpose by recommendation of the Pulpit Committee. Voting shall be by ballot of those active and present members. (See Article V, Section 5). A 75 percent affirmative vote shall be required to call a Pastor-Teacher.
C. DUTIES: The Pastor-Teacher shall take an active interest in the spreading of the Gospel, and in the welfare of the Church and all its activities. He shall oversee the teaching and preaching of the Word of God and the administration of the ordinances. He shall have a voice and vote on the Board of Elders and in all departments of the Church. He shall perform impartially and diligently the duties pertaining to the pastoral office. By virtue of his office, the Pastor-Teacher and his wife shall be members of the Church.
1. Should the Pastor-Teacher wish to terminate his pastoral relationship, he shall give at least thirty (30) days notice.
2. If justifiable dissatisfaction with the Pastor-Teacher arises, the Board of Elders shall, with prayerful consideration, confer with the Pastor-Teacher. For the good of the Church, they may advise him to resign. If after thirty (30) days, no resignation has been received, it shall be brought to the Church for a ballot vote. A 75 percent majority of the voting membership present will be necessary to retain the Pastor-Teacher. Should such a majority not be attained, the Elders will notify the Pastor-Teacher that his services will be terminated.
A. QUALITIES: These shall be commensurate with those of the Pastor-Teacher.
B. CALL: The associate pastor will be appointed by the Elder Board.
C. DUTIES: He shall assist the Pastor-Teacher in all of his pastoral duties, the degree of involvement to be agreed upon by the Pastor-Teacher and the Board of Elders.
D. TERMINATION: Should the Associate Pastor wish to terminate his relationship with the Church, he shall attempt to give at least thirty (30) days notice. On the other hand, if justifiable dissatisfaction with the Associate Pastor arises, the Pastor-Teacher and the Board of Elders shall give it prayerful consideration. If removal is deemed necessary, such termination is to be effective upon written notice.
A. QUALITIES: Elders shall be men full of faith, of mature judgment and unquestioned Christian character, loyal to the Word of God and devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ and to the spiritual welfare of the Church. (I Tim. 3:1-7 & Titus 1:6-9)
B. ELECTION: Men shall be elected to the Eldership from the membership, by the membership.
C. TERM OF OFFICE: Eldership is for life unless a man is suspended on the disciplinary ground, in which case he may be reinstated by the Elder Board after due repentance and restitution.
D. DUTIES: Elders shall aid the Pastor in the visitation ministry of the Church and shall be considered assistant pastors for the purpose of ministry. The Elders shall lay hands on and pray for those being commissioned for ministry. They shall have careful and prayerful oversight of the spiritual development of the members.
A. QUALITIES: Deacons shall be men of wisdom and integrity, well respected and committed to the truths of the Christian faith.
B. ELECTION: Men shall be elected as Deacons from the membership, the membership.
C. TERM OF OFFICE: Deacons are elected for life unless a man is suspended on the disciplinary ground in which case he may be reinstated by the Elder Board after due repentance and restitution.
D. DUTIES: Deacons shall attend to the necessities of the poor and caring for the physical plant. They shall assist the Pastors in jealously guarding and fostering the spiritual life of the Church
A. QUALITIES: Deaconesses shall be women of wisdom and integrity, well respected and committed to the truths of the Christian faith.
B. ELECTION: Women shall be elected as Deaconesses from the membership to the Board by the membership.
C. TERM OF OFFICE: Deaconesses are elected for life unless a woman is suspended on disciplinary grounds in which case she may be reinstated by the Board of Elders after due repentance and restitution.
D. DUTIES: Deaconesses shall work with the Deacons in attending to the necessities of the poor. They shall assist the Pastors in jealously guarding and fostering the spiritual life of the women of the church.
A. The appointment, duties, and term of office of the Trustees shall be described in Article III, SECTION 4 - BOARD OF TRUSTEES.
A. QUALITIES: The Secretary-Treasurer shall be a person of wisdom and integrity, well respected and committed to the truths of the Christian Faith.
B. ELECTION: The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by the congregation at the time of the annual meeting.
C. TERM OF OFFICE: The term of Office for Secretary-Treasurer shall be for the period of one (1) year and (he/she) may be re-elected to successive terms.
D. DUTIES: The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for approving and managing a church-wide budget and for the recording of all receipts and disbursements for the Church.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that disbursements are made against the proper accounts and that accurate records are kept for verification and audit. He/she shall ensure that income is counted accurately, deposits are made, and accurate records are kept for verification and audit. He/she shall ensure that all checks are drawn in the name of the Church. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the monthly financial statement to be presented to the Board of Elders, and for an annual report of all receipts and expenditures to be included into the Church Annual Report. The Secretary-Treasurer (or special designee) signature shall appear on all checks drawn in the name of this Church. In addition, the Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for accurate minutes being taken and typed for each meeting of the congregation. He/she shall, as described in ARTICLE III - SECTION 4. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, be assigned to that Board as a trustee.
E. VACANCY: Should the office of Secretary-Treasurer be vacated for any reason during the year, the Board of Elders shall appoint a Secretary-Treasurer to serve until the next annual meeting.
A. OFFICIAL BOARD: The Board of Elders shall be the "Official Board" of the Church as designated in the constitution. The chairman of the Board of Elders shall have all the responsibilities of chairman of the official Board described in the constitution.
B. ELECTION: No fewer than five(5) men shall be elected to the Board of Elders, from the Eldership of the Church, by the membership, for a period of three (3) years, at which time they shall be eligible for re-election.
C. DUTIES: This Board shall act with regard to the carrying forward of the total program of the Church. All powers such as examination of candidates for membership, discipline, financial policies, and oversight of boards and committees, shall be vested in the Board of Elders, except as otherwise provided in this the constitution. The Board of Elders shall appoint an Assistant Treasurer who shall have authority to sign checks in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer. The Board of Elders shall make periodic revision of the membership roll for delinquency. They, with the Pastor, shall make a written report at each annual meeting of any matters under their charge. The Board of Elders shall be responsible for pulpit supply in the absence of the Pastor. The Board shall serve with the Pulpit Committee of this Church. This Board shall determine the number of Deacons and Deaconesses to be placed on their respective Boards. This Board shall convene on a regular basis at least once a month. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for all business.
D. VACANCIES: In the event of an Elder leaving his position after the annual meeting, the Board of Elders may appoint from the Eldership of the Church a man to replace him to complete the term of the vacant office.
1. ELECTION: The Chairman shall be elected at the first monthly meeting following the annual meeting of the Congregation and shall serve for one year and until his successor has been chosen. The Chairman shall be an Elder presently serving on the Board.
2. DUTIES: The Chairman shall preside at all business meetings of the Church and the Board of Elders both regular and special, unless it may be deemed advisable otherwise by the Board. In the absence of the Chairman, he shall appoint a fellow Board member to preside.
F. GENERAL BUSINESS MEETINGS: General business meetings of the Board of Elders shall be open to the membership.
A. ELECTION: Men shall be elected to the Board of Deacons from the Deacons at large by the membership for a period of three (3) years, at which time they shall be eligible for re-election.
B. DUTIES: This Board shall meet at least once a month to plan the activities under their charge. Only those Deacons serving on the active Board have voting privileges at meetings of the Board. The Board shall manage the family assistance funds through a Benevolent Committee. Deacons shall support the Elders of the church in meeting the spiritual needs of the body as well as overseeing the physical needs of the church.
The Chairman shall appoint one (1) Deacon to the Benevolent Committee and one (1) Deacon to the Board of Trustees as directed by the Elder Board. The Deacons will provide greeters, ushers and perform other duties as directed by the Board of Elders.
C. VACANCIES: In the event of a Deacon leaving the Board after the annual meeting, The Elder Board will appoint, from the Deacons at large, a man to replace him for the remainder of the unexpired term
A. ELECTION: Women shall be elected to the Board of Deaconesses from the Deaconesses at large by the membership for a period of three (3) years, at which time they will be eligible for re-election.
B. DUTIES: This Board shall meet at least once a month to plan the activities under their charge. Only those Deaconesses serving on the active Board have voting privileges at meetings of the Board. Deaconesses shall support the Elders of the church in meeting the spiritual needs of the body, focusing special attention to the women, as well as the needs of the physical plant, including: Kitchen, Baptism, Nursery, Visitation, Special Occasions, and women’s ministries.
The Chairman shall appoint one (1) Deaconess to the benevolent committee.
Other duties may be assigned by the Board of Elders.
C. VACANCIES: In the event of a Deaconess leaving the Board after the annual meeting, the Elder Board shall appoint, from the Deaconesses at large, a woman to replace her for the remainder of the unexpired term.
There shall be at least one (1) Elder, one (1) Deacon, and the Secretary-Treasurer serving with on the Board of Trustees. One of these shall be elected as chairman. Other trustees may be appointed from the fellowship at large by the Board of Elders. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall be responsible for securing adequate insurance (fire, theft, liability, etc.) and for annual reports of church property. The Chairman is further responsible for the co-signing of all legal papers as required by the constitution. Trustees shall be appointed for three (3) year term of office and may be reappointed at the completion of their term.
A committee of five (5) shall be appointed by the Board of Elders at least three (3) months prior to the annual meeting of the Church. This committee shall be encouraged to nominate two (2) people for each office to be filled, if possible. Nominations from the congregation shall be encouraged provided the name of the one to be nominated has been previously presented by the nominator to the nominating committee at least one (1) month prior to the time of election. All nominations shall be approved by the Board of Elders.
Upon notification of a vacancy in the office of Pastor-Teacher, the Board of Elders shall appoint at least two (2) members of the Church to serve with the Elders as the pulpit committee. They shall thoroughly explore the field for evangelical and fundamental pastor-teachers who are available to a call and whose doctrinal position is in keeping with the faith and practice of the Church. After due examination and prayers they shall recommend to the church a desirable candidate for the pulpit. Final consideration must be reached by the church regarding one candidate before they consider another. Following the election by the church of a pastor, the pulpit committee shall send a letter in triplicate form setting forth the terms of the call making a place available for the signature of the Chairman of the Board of Elders and the Church Secretary/Treasurer and provide a space for the signature of the pastor as he accepts the call. The call is considered made when the final acceptance is received from the prospective pastor-teacher.
Procedures in extending a call are suggested as follows:
Before entering into a call, the church should carefully determine its terms. As a minimum the church should state in the call:
1. That the call is for an indefinite period.
2. Amount of salary, when paid, and the prospect of increase with the growth and prosperity of the church.
3. Living quarters, if furnished by the church, and how its upkeep is to be maintained.
4. provision, if any, for vacation, attendance at conventions, the expense involved in attending, absence from regular meetings due to sickness, etc.
5. Provision of suitable office space, office supplies, secretarial help, car expense in line of work, and other related items.
6. Participating in ministers retirement plan.
7. Assurance of loyal support of the pastor's leadership as he follows Christ.
8. Moving expenses shall be negotiated between the pastor and the Board of Elders.
These matters need not be brought in detail to the church at large, but should be agreed upon in the Congregational Business Meetings in connection with the consummation of the call, and should be clearly stated in the letter through which the call is transmitted.
The Standing committees shall be renewed as needed each year under the oversight of the Board of Elders. The charters and duties of committees are contained in a Policies and Procedures document at the end of this document. This document can be modified and updated by the Elder Board as church needs vary.
A. The Church shall meet regularly for the public worship of the eternal God and the proclamation of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. These meetings shall include be at least Sunday School, Sunday Morning Worship,, and Youth Meetings.
B. Special meetings for the purpose of promoting evangelism, Bible study, missionary work and prayer, etc., may be held upon the recommendation of the Board of Elders or the Pastor-Teacher.
We believe the Lord left two major ordinances for the Church to observe: The Lord's Supper and Water Baptism.
The Lord's Supper shall be observed on the first Sunday of each month or at such times as the Board of Elders or the Pastor-Teacher shall so designate.
The Ordinances of Water Baptism is to be arranged by the Pastor-Teacher as occasion arises. Baptism is a Christian Ordinance enjoined in the Great Commission and practiced by the early Church and down through the succeeding Church age. It is not necessary to salvation but should be entered into by all born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
An Annual Business Meeting of the Church shall be held prior to February 15 each year, the date to be set by the Board of Elders, at which time the annual Reports shall be presented and officers elected, and such other business transacted as may be specified in the call or authorized in the Constitution and By-Laws.
Special Business Meetings of the Church may be called by the Board of Elders or by any five adult members who have the approval of the Board of Elders in regards to the meetings. Called meetings shall state the time, place, and object and shall be published not less than two (2) Sundays before the date of the proposed meeting. Notice shall be given by announcement from the pulpit on the preceding Sundays. Further notice shall be posted in writing.
Robert's Rules Of Order are are hereby adopted to govern business meetings where they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and scriptural guidelines. However, they may be suspended when a less formal session is in order.
A. At the Annual and all special business meetings of the Church, at least 51 percent of the active members of voting age shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
B. A majority of those active members, present and voting, shall be deemed sufficient, in any meeting where the quorum exists, to decide any question coming up before said meeting, unless otherwise determined by the these By-Laws or the Constitution.
No organization shall be formed in the Church without the approval of the Board of Elders. Election of officers to organizations shall be subject to approval of the Board of Elders.
A. These By-Laws may be repealed and/or amended or added to at the Annual or all special business meetings of the Church called for that purpose by a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of all the active members present and Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Church, announced from the pulpit and posted in writing at least two (2) Sundays prior to such meeting.
B. The By-Laws shall not be amended to void or conflict with any provision of the Constitution.
Upon the adoption of the By-Laws as herein set forth, and dated (this day of adoption, Feb. 10, 2001) they shall be in lieu of all previously adopted By-Laws.